26 Useful links
Data access
Host reference genomes
- NCBI Genome (website):
- Ensembl (website):
- Vertebrates Genome Project (website):
Metagenomic data
- HoloFood Data Portal (website):
- MGnify (website):
- Earth Hologenome Initiative (website):
Shell command line usage
- Introduction to the Command Line for Genomics (website): general overview of basic command line usage.
R usage (General usage and programming)
- Intro to R and RStudio for Genomics (website):
- Efficient R programming (website): best practices for programming in R.
R usage (Graphics and visualisation)
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization (website): guide to making visualisations that accurately reflect the data, tell a story, and look professional.
- R Graphics Cookbook (website): a practical guide that provides more than 150 recipes to generate high-quality graphs using ggplot2.
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning (book): freely available book about general statistical learning covering regression and classification problems through linear modelling and machine learning.
- High dimensional statistics with R (website): virtual lesson specialised in dealing with high dimensional data.